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La Spezia
La Spezia Travel Guide La Spezia Italy

La Spezia

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"The jewel of Italy"

Located in the Liguria region of Italy, La Spezia is a vibrant and picturesque port city known for its stunning views and charming old town. The city is situated on the Gulf of La Spezia, also known as the Gulf of Poets, and is surrounded by the beautiful Apuan Alps. La Spezia is a great starting point for exploring the famous Cinque Terre, a group of five small fishing villages that have become popular tourist destinations for their colorful houses, stunning sea views, and cliffside hiking trails. The city is also home to the Museo Tecnico Navale, a museum showcasing Italy's naval history and achievements. In the heart of the city, visitors can wander through the pedestrian-only streets of the historic center, exploring the many shops, restaurants, and cafes that line the streets. The Piazza del Mercato is a popular spot for shopping, and is home to a daily market selling fresh produce and local goods. One of the most famous landmarks of La Spezia is the Castle of San Giorgio, a historic fortress built in the 16th century that offers panoramic views of the city and the surrounding area. Another popular attraction is the beautiful Church of Santa Maria Assunta, with its striking black and white striped facade and stunning interior. For nature lovers, La Spezia offers many opportunities for outdoor activities, including hiking in the nearby Apuan Alps and swimming in the clear waters of the Gulf of La Spezia. The city is also known for its delicious local cuisine, with plenty of seafood restaurants and cozy trattorias serving up traditional Ligurian dishes. Overall, La Spezia is a charming and picturesque city with plenty to offer visitors, from its beautiful landscapes and rich history to its delicious food and vibrant culture.

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keytalk icon picturesque village


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    Italian, German, French, Slovene

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